While my balance may be in question, eM and I have encouraged the kids' balancing skills to build their coordination, strength and esteem - and all our friends just thought we were careless parents.
We've let them climb and move through their home, let them problem solve about how to get around or over obstacles and even allowed them to stumble occasionally in our safe, child proofed environment.
So far they've come through in much better shape than I have.
I reached back into my sillyDaddy archive to find this article that made an impression on me from early last year. Published in Research and Developmental Disabilities journal, the study found that "all [children] with balance problems do exhibit symptoms of anxiety, pointing to a link between the two conditions."
According to the research, children in the study, five to seven year olds with an anxiety diagnosis, went through a 12-week sensory-motor intervention in which, "the children use equipment to experience their environment and move in space." Their balance improved, anxiety was reduced to normal levels and their self-esteem increased.
Improve Balance, Relieve Childhood Anxiety