Monday, August 31, 2009

Express Your Innermost Dad!

DIY t-shirts

If you’re a dad you probably use this expression frequently.

Why not memorialize it in a t-shirt.

And why not make one for everyone in the whole blaspheming family?...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Welcome to Slime Fest 2009!

Ahhhh yes.  Slugs come from miles around just to crawl on our screen!

Look closely and you'll see there were five slugs on the screen at the kids bedtime and two more arrived about 15 minutes after I took this picture.


Is our screen made of slug crack?  Is this retribution for the pounds of salt I poured on so many of their brethren in my youth?  Is dragging their bodies across the screen sexual in some way?

Whatever's going on, it's freakin' us out man!

Garden slugs climb the screen
Garden slugs climb the screenGarden slugs climb the screen


Friday, August 28, 2009

Enjoy decent scotch on a budget! (And here's an idea for drinking it in the summer)

Back in the pre-eM, J & D days I was crazy for the single malts.
I spent time pondering scotch on oh so many levels - even thinking about what kind of ground the water flowed over before it was collected and used by the distillery.  Yes, I know...

Anyway, if you're like me and you're on a budget it's extremely hard to justify spending the cash to keep a supply of the single malt stuff.

A friend's dad recommended the well known blended Dewer's so I gave 'er a swirl.  Good, but I thought it a little bland.  I've tried a few other blended scotches since then and I've settled on Johnnie Walker's Red Label (just a reminder that I am in no way paid by any manufacturer or service provider).  Nice flavor profile and you can buy it in a big 'ol jug and often on sale!
 Scotch in the summer

Now some of you may be thinking, "sillyDaddy, scotch isn't a summer time drink."  Well I've got a simple "recipe" that I find INCREDIBLY refreshing.

CommandCentral - how to add an additional monitor without buying a new video card

Here's a shot of my cozy home work station.

DIY computer monitor addition
You may have noticed that I have a few monitors.

If you're not a software developer you may not need four.  But everyone could use a second monitor!

If your PC doesn't support two monitors you may have thought your only choice was to take your machine to your local tech store and have an expensive video card installed.

You have another option!

All you need is an available USB port on your PC and a VGA-USB adapter.

I've shopped around A LOT and found the best value at the moment (just a reminder that I am in no way paid by any manufacturer or service provider except for the random GoogleAds that are on this web page).

DIY Framed Earring Organizer

As I've mentioned before, eM has many wonderful qualities. Organization, however, is not among them.
She takes her earrings off and usually drops them on the nightstand - perfect level for D to come along and pick one up for an impromptu earring tasting.

I read about this idea and thought it might help her keep her earrings organized.  It was pretty easy and, as you can see from my pic below, it ended up looking pretty good.  Best of all she's actually using it and D hasn't put anything crazy into his mouth for at least 30 minutes.

 DIY framed earring organizer
I had a bunch of old framed pictures in the basement.  The frames are in good shape so I picked one out, removed the glass and backing but kept the nice double mat.

I took a trip to the local craft store and bought a black plastic mesh usually used for crochet for about a $1.  I fit it to the back, threw in some extra tacks and glue and let it set.

I already had the glue, tacks and matted frame so my total cost was about one dollar!

If you're reading this and you likie, leave a comment and I'll shoot a pic of the back.


Horrific Playroom Scene

playroom scene

I work from home on Fridays.

This is the tragic scene that unfolded before my eyes when I opened my office (the guest room) door.

What horrific scenes have you witnessed around your house?


Welcome to sillyDaddy

Hello friends!

Try as I might I couldn't find a blog that combined
  1. Real world parenting tips for the first time dad
  2. Real world marriage tips for the first time husband
  3. DIY help for both household projects and crafts
  4. Technology tips
  5. Reviews about things I need and products I can afford
  6. Written from a regular guy's perspective, i.e. a guy who's not a professional writer, or wealthy, or living in NYC without a car, a yard or a house to maintain (not that there's anything wrong with any of those things).
If you likie what you read, then please use one of the numerous methods in the column to the right to follow along.
